Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hello World

Hello all, and welcome to my blog! The name's Michelle and I am a connoisseur in anything and everything nerd. This blog is mostly for personal use. I'll post videos/photos/reviews and just anything in general that piques my interest. It just so happens that pretty much everything I enjoy is geeky. Hopefully I'll still amuse and entertain any readers I may happen to garner in my ventures.

What kind of nerdy things am I mostly interested in? Well, reading for one. I read anything and everything, from young adult novels, to science fiction and fiction and comic books to manga. Some of my favorite authors are Tamora Pierce, Robert Cormier and John Green and some of my favorite comic/manga titles are Green Lantern, Batman & Robin, Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket and Nana.

Video games are also of great interest to me. Though I've been lacking on playing them lately due to time constraints. I have a soft spot for RPGs, my favorite series being The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. I mostly play games within the Nintendo franchise.

As I mentioned earlier, I am a fan of manga, so unsurprisingly I am also a fan of anime. I'll watch pretty much anything and everything. Some of my favorite titles are Fushigi Yugi, Escaflowne, Neon Genesis Evangelion, His and Her Circumstances, Death Note and Elfen Lied.

Some of my less nerdier pastimes include photography and movie-going. I'm a bit of a movie buff and mostly enjoy good indie flicks; blockbusters aren't really my thing.

Well, that's pretty much it. Hope this wasn't too long of an introduction and I also hope you all enjoy my blog. :)

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